Member Self Service – My Pension on-line
Member Self Service – My Pension on-line provides members of the City and County of Swansea Pension Fund with the opportunity to access their pension information at any time.
Active, deferred or pensioner members of the Scheme, can view and update basic details, access relevant forms and receive all publications immediately, including annual benefit statements, newsletters and factsheets.
The system holds data in real-time, which means that scheme members can access the current data being used by the Pension Fund. Active members will be able to perform benefit calculations at their convenience, to actively plan for retirement.
To register for Member Self Service – My Pension on-line, please click here and complete the ‘sign up’ details.
Alternatively you can contact the City and County of Swansea Pension Fund on 01792 635566 or e-mail
Your activation key will then be sent to your home address and you will be required to log in to the ‘My Pension Online’ area via this page or the link provided on the letter.